Follow me and pray as I help start a school and teach in the Dominican Republic!

Monday, February 25, 2013

In All Things, Give Thanks!

Laying awake the other night, like many nights here, I was thinking about why I couldn’t sleep.  On this specific night, Shawn was away in Haiti.  We had lost all power at midnight.  Then our two dogs started going crazy barking.  Someone was also blaring music.  Recently, there have been a lot of thefts, so Jen and I were already paranoid.  I was up multiple times checking to see if anyone was trying to rob us.  Jen did the same thing.  Finally, we just ended up sitting in the living room waiting until our street power came back on so that the outside lights would be on to hopefully keep thieves away.  Every little sound had us up looking out the window.  I’m not really sure what we would do if we actually saw someone besides scream, but we like to think we’re not wimps!  I never really thought about how life is so different here in almost every way, including the security that we take for granted in the USA.  Of course I’ve been scared in the US before, but here, the fear is more real, more justified in many ways.  But it also reminds me that I need to trust that God is guiding my steps and leading me where He wants me, continuously strengthening me through the good, the bad, and the crazy.  I look back on my last year here and am thankful for even the day I was robbed at gunpoint.  I know I sound crazy, even to myself, but I can honestly say it’s the truth.  Many things came together here that showed me that this is where I belong for now and that God was/is working through me.  It is such a great feeling and privilege!  (Below – put my bike in the house one night because of rumors that someone was going to take it…bringing some redneck to the DR!)


This past week has been a rough one for me emotionally and I was really ready to call it quits and go home.  It’s like everything combined together this week and for some reason, I wasn’t able to handle it like I normally can.  On Tuesday morning, I was thinking about all my problems while Wilkyns was teaching all the kids their Bible lesson.  Then the kids started working on their verse for this week and it really hit me.  1 Thes. 5:18 says, “in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”  I had been so focused on the negative around me that I wasn’t able to see anything positive.  Wednesday, I still struggled with giving thanks for the things that bugged me.  Thursday, it got a little easier.  It really put things into perspective for me.  We’re not going to have great days every day, but when we have a positive outlook, things don’t seem so bad.  It’s definitely a continuous battle to change my focus from the bad to the good, but it’s so worth it and I thank God that I could be reminded of this while surrounded by almost 40 kids that I love!  Oh how many things we all have to be thankful for!!!

On Monday and Wednesday, Wilkyns and I drove five of our students to their new music classes.  They were chosen to attend because of their hardworking attitude and achievement in school.  It was so cool to be able to hang out with them outside of school.  They are such cool kids and I love to see them laughing and trying to use their English in real life settings!  Made me really happy and proud!


I made cupcakes for Manuel,  one of the neighborhood boys that always hangs out with me.  Kylie and I delivered them to his house and pretended like we had water to throw on him, a tradition here for birthdays.  His family was really excited to see the desserts!  He then came up later to our house and gave me a giant, bone-crushing hug!  Love that kid!

We’ve had a lot of things come up that you can pray for:  Steph Clements, another missionary serving down here, may possibly have Dengue fever and will be in the hospital for a few days.  Also, a missionary in Haiti that Shawn was just working with died from an asthma attack.  Pray for his wife and the ministry that he left behind.  Jen is returning to the states for a short trip.  Pray for safety and a time to refresh physically, mentally, and spiritually!  Also, pray for the teams that are preparing to come work with us.  March is going to be a very busy month!

Enjoy the pictures from my past week!  I know I enjoyed living them!


My kids are so stinkin’ cute!  The bottom left picture is one of the mom’s that cooks for us and her daughter.  The bottom middle is when Wilkyns’ chain fell off his bike and I had to come to his rescue!  The rest are all at the school!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Lots of Life and Everything Else!

Well, I know I promised to keep you updated more often but it seems I’m failing at that already.  Between a busy schedule, limited internet, and visitors, time is hard to come by to write, so hopefully I remember everything that happened!

The week after Christmas, Wilkyns had two friends come down to help him on his new house.  It was so cool to be able to join them and slowly put up all of the walls.  This was one of the reasons that I wanted to be here in the DR before Christmas.  Wilkyns has been such a huge blessing in my life and I wanted to be able to help him a little bit in return.  We worked alongside a lot of the members of his baseball team that he is now coaching.  You can truly see the impact that he is having on these young guys’ lives.  On New Year’s eve, we all went down to Wilkyns’ house and had a party.  They handed out hats and shirts for the ball team; the kids were so excited!  Then we headed back to our house and set off a few fireworks to celebrate the new year…with only a few minor, but now expected, incidents.


I took three of the local boys to the skate park to ride their bike around some.  It was a great time, until we left and I laid the bike over on the main road.  Thankfully no one was coming and the boys were able to jump off.  I ended up with a few scrapes and bruises, but that was it.  My bike’s handlebars were bent quite a bit, but Johan was able to straighten them up for me.  God was definitely protecting up that night because it should have been a lot worse than it was.  There have been a lot of people involved in accidents lately, so please pray for safety as we’re driving around.

A few nights, I was able to join some of the local boys and we had pellet gun fights.  It was so fun to be able to join them and act like a kid…which I seem to do a lot!  At the end, we all compared hits and then shook hands!  As you can see, I’m at a little bit of a disadvantage being white!


We started school back up on January 9th.  It was so good, but so weird, to be back again.  We redid the groups since we now have three people teaching.  The oldest group has eight kids.  The middle group has thirteen kids, and the youngest group has sixteen kids.  I was shocked to see how much English my oldest kids actually remember!  Wilkyns told all the kids that I am not allowed to talk to them in Spanish during class time, which is frustrating for everyone, but I have already seen the benefits from it with my older group.  Sometimes they think I don’t understand them because I keep saying, “What, what, what?” when they speak in Spanish.  They laugh at each other when they finally catch on that I understand, but I want them to say it in English.  A few of the kids are really excelling.  Jony is working extremely hard to try to use the words he knows to talk to me.  I had a chance to work with him one-on-one reading a first grade book and he was actually comprehending the material.  Gosh I was SO proud!!!  Wilkyns and I were sitting in the school during break and dreaming about the future.  We were saying how awesome it would be if this project continues and Jony can be a translator for teams coming in one day!  Ephesians 3:20-21 says, “Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine…to Him be the glory.”  Thought this verse was so fitting!  Now a few of the other kids are staying in at recess to practice reading with me.  My kids are growing up!!!


It was so cute the other day when there was a group of my kids gathered around my table and we were talking about their sponsors.  They kept asking if I knew their sponsors and then one asked which kid I sponsored.  I told them that I didn’t sponsor anyone because I wouldn’t be able to choose because I want to be able to sponsor them all!  Jony said that was ok because I was already like a sponsor or godmother to all of them and all the kids were quick to agree.  I felt so loved at that moment and I knew that at least some of them realized how much I love them.

I was definitely blessed one week when my boyfriend came down with a team that stayed very close to our house.  It was SO nice to see him walk in our house Sunday morning to pick me up for church, even if he was an hour early!  I loved having the opportunity to show him my life here.  Serving together was an added bonus, as well as time to catch up and hang out.  It’s hard to believe that we met here a year ago, not knowing what God had in store!  And of course, we had to continue our the tradition where he buys me ice cream and I take him to the store to buy coffee!  He was even treated to a few rides on my motorcycle!  What a unique opportunity to be here together!  I am so thankful!


Wilkyns and I joined Shawn on a trip to the capitol on January 22nd so that I could work on my visa.  On our way there, we were listening to the book Radical being read.  He said that about 30 percent of the world says that they are Christians (which is stretching it).  But even if you use this number, that leaves about 4 billion people in the world that don’t know Jesus…4 billion people that would go to hell if Jesus came back right now.  Definitely stuck in my mind and makes me want to reach out to these people even more.  You can do the same thing right where you are…you don’t have to be serving overseas!

I turned in all my paperwork to the lawyer on January 23rd, who is thankfully helping me.  I was missing a few things, so we spent the afternoon getting those things.  Please pray everything goes through ok because my time to legally be here ended on February 1st.  

I took two of the local boys to go pick mangos.  They climb up the trees and then I chase down the mangos that have fallen.  I think I was praying the entire time that it wouldn’t be one of the boys falling…they are like monkeys thankfully!  Check out this video of them coming down the coconut tree…and notice how big the other tree is that I show in the background!  (hopefully I can load it on facebook!)  Can you find them in the tree?!


We finally served food to the kids out of the new kitchen on January 29th!  We’re still waiting for God to provide funding to finish the building, but the stove and propane cookers are in there, so it’s functional.  Wilkyns’ wife, Melissa, has been cooking for the kids in their house.  Now, she is training two women, whose kids attend the school, to prepare sanitary food.  What a huge blessing to see these kids eating and also providing a few jobs to hardworking women.


One morning at school was so encouraging.  We talked about being a servant for Christ and how we need to carry that out in life.  A few children even accepted Christ as their Savior!  They were singing, “God is so Good,” in English…it was just an awesome morning.  Then it went downhill from there.  The kids were all fighting, even after we talked to them multiple times.  We had to punish almost all of them…I was so disappointed after such an encouraging morning.  But as I was sitting there, I thought of how God feels when we stray from His desires for us and I was really humbled when I put myself in that situation. 

Funny moment:  When we go to the grocery store, Kylie Rineholt always jokes with me that I’m the tallest person in the store, which is semi-true, but the other day, a Dominican lady motioned for me and had me get something down from the top shelf for her…definitely felt like a giant after that!

We’ve been very busy here lately and things are about to get busier very soon since a lot of groups are going to be coming in.   Shawn is currently in Haiti to complete the installation of the radio station in St. Marc.  Pray for his health and endurance as he has been having eye trouble again and also fighting fevers and body aches.  There are five other guys that have come to work on this project.  So cool to see how the Lord brings people together!


These are some shots of the trip to Haiti.


St. Peters Church from Seven Valleys, PA came for a week for an investigative trip for medical care.  They came and visited the school one day and taught the kids about leadership, cleanliness, and how God created us to be unique.


Wilkyns called me on Saturday, February 9th, saying that someone had broken into the school through the window and stole the inverter, four batteries, and the device that changes solar power to electric.  Hopefully the thieves saw that we have nothing else of value (unless you could a few posters with vowels and numbers on them!) in the school and will pass the word onto their friends. 




We went five days without having water, so Jen and I thought of a way to get clean!  Trip to the beach where there’s a fresh water spring!!!  Trying to find a bright side out of everything!


PRAY!  There have been quite a few robberies in the area.  I’ve been having stomach issues…yeah you all know what that means lol…I told you I was going to be open!  Shawn and the team need some prayers to find affordable equipment.  Continue praying for our Spanish.  Just pray for safety, health, patience, and everything in between!  I’ll try to keep the next one shorter!