Follow me and pray as I help start a school and teach in the Dominican Republic!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Pictures of Progress

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The kids are definitely excited and willing to work hard to get this school up and running!  Hopefully they work this hard in the classroom!

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A team from a church in Mississippi built the school up to this point.  So many people have come together to help this community…so amazing!  Now, the plan is that when we arrive, a few locals will be hired and they will help Shawn put the roof on.  During that time, I’ll be helping to figure out what we’re teaching!

We leave on Wednesday, so PRAY!

A huge thank you to Myriah for showing me how to use an easier program so I can load pictures!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Countdown Begins!

Well, we head out REALLY soon...I've been trying to fit in as much as possible with family and friends before we leave.  We're driving to Florida either August 31st or September 1st.  Then we fly out on the 6th.  So much has happened in these last few weeks that I can't even think about it all.  Family and friends threw me a great surprise party complete with line-dancing!  It's going to be so hard to leave, but these memories made these last few weeks will stay with me forever!  Pray that we can figure out all the details about shipping, the school, and living!